Announce new reddit posts in a channel.

This module monitors one or more subreddits and announces new posts to Discord channels.

It is configured to check every 30 seconds. It will post a maximum of 2 posts at a time every 5 minutes, to avoid flooding a Discord channel; otherwise, it will queue posts.

1. subwatch

Add or remove subreddits to watch and post into channels, or show the current configuration.

Usage: .subwatch [channel] [subreddits]


string. Discord channel to output the watched subreddits into.
string. Optional. Subreddits to watch and post in the channel. Can be separated by commas, spaces or +.If off or none, turns off Subwatch for that channel. If not specified, lists current subreddits watched.


Moderators, Administrators.


  • .subwatch #general askreddit askscience - Watch the subreddits AskReddit and AskScience and post new posts to #general.
  • .subwatch #general off - Stop watching subreddits in #general.
  • .subwatch - Show what subreddits are being watched and what channels they’re being output to.