Mod notes tools to help enforce and keep track of bans.

Various tools for moderators to help enforce and track bans! This cog depends on the ModNotes module.

This module can automatically enforce modnotes of type ‘temp’ and ‘perma’, at startup and every 1 hour hence.

1. tempban

Tempban a user.

This command will immediately tempban (mute) the user, and create a modnote. It will not communicate with the user.

The user will be unbanned (unmuted) when the tempban expires.

Note that the ModTools module automatically enforces all tempban modules. See the ModTools introduction or .help ModTools for more info.

This command is shorthand for .notes add <user> temp expires="[expires]" [reason].

Usage: .tempban <user> [reason]


string. The user to ban. See notes for more information.
string. Optional. Complex parameter of the format [expires=[expires]] [reason]. reason is the reason for the tempban, to be recorded as a modnote (optional but highly recommended).
datespec. Optional. The datespec for the tempban’s expiration. Use quotation marks if the datespec has spaces in it. See notes add for more information on accepted syntaxes. Default: “in 7 days”


Moderators, Administrators.
Mod channels.


  • .tempban @BlitheringIdiot#1234 Was being a blithering idiot. - Issues a ban of default duration (in 7 days).
  • .tempban @BlitheringIdiot#1234 expires="in 3 days" Was being a slight blithering idiot only. - Issues a 3-day ban.

1.1. tempban enforce

Immediately re-check and update all tempbans and permabans (if enforcement is enabled), without waiting for the timer.

Usage: .tempban enforce


Moderators, Administrators.
Mod channels.