A guide to how commands are presented in this manual.

Each command will be presented in the following format. The format and fields are described below.

1. Command (alias1, alias2)

1.1. Sub-command

A general description of what the command does.

In the title, the normal command name, along with aliases and shorthands, are given. The aliases and shorthands can be used in place of the command name: for example, instead of .command, you could use .alias1.

Usage: .command subcommand <argument1> [argument2 [argument 3]] (The command name and its arguments, as it would need to be typed. Angle brackets <arg> indicates required arguments, square brackets [arg] indicates optional arguments, and a pipe | shows allowed alternatives. Never include the brackets when typing your arguments.)


  • argument1: A list of arguments …
  • argument2: … and explanations of what they should be …
  • argument3: … and what they do.

Channels: What channel(s) the command can be used in.

Usable by: Which users can use the command.


  • .command subcommand potato 1 2: An example of a command invocation and what it does.