Capture the best moments on the server!

The Quotes Database helps you capture the best moments on the server! Store your fellow members’ funniest moments so that you can revisit them time and time again.

1. quote (quotes)

Retrieve a quote matching a user and/or text search. Returns a random quote among all matching results. TIP: To search for a quote by index number, use quote get.

Usage: .[quote|quotes] [user] [search]


@user or string or “all”. Optional. The user to find a quote for. This can be an @mention, user ID, part of their name or nickname to search, or the special string “all” to find any user (i.e. search only by keyword).
string. Optional. The text to search.


  • .quote - Find a random quote.
  • .quote Jane - Find a quote from any user whose name/nickname contains “Jane”.
  • .quote @JaneDoe#0921 flamingo - Find a quote by JaneDoe containing “flamingo”.
  • .quote Jane flamingo - Find a quote both matching user “Jane” and containing “flamingo”.

1.1. quote get

Retrieve a quote by index.

Usage: .quote get <user> <number>


@user. The user to find a quote for. Should be an @mention or a discord ID.
number. Optional. The ID number of the quote to find (starting from 1), as shown by the quote and quote list commands.


  • .quote @JaneDoe#0921 - Find a random quote by JaneDoe.
  • .quote @JaneDoe#0921 4 - Find the 4th quote by JaneDoe.

1.2. quote list

Retrieve a list of quotes. Always PMed.

Usage: .quote list <user> [page]


@user. The user to find a quote for. Should be an @mention or a discord ID.
number. Optional. The page number to show, if there are more than 1 page of quotes. Default: last page (most recent)


  • .quote list @JaneDoe#0921 - List all quotes by JaneDoe.
  • .quote list @JaneDoe#0921 4 - List the 4th page of quotes by JaneDoe.

1.3. quote add

Add a new quote manually.

Usage: .quote add <user> <message>


@user. The user being quoted. Should be an @mention or a discord ID.
string. The quote text to add.


  • .quote add @JaneDoe#0921 Ready for the mosh pit, shaka brah.

1.4. quote grab

Find the most recent matching message and add it as a quote.

This command searches the 100 most recent messages in the channel. The most recent message matching both the user and (if specified) search text is added as a quote.

Usage: .quote grab <user> [search]


@user. The user being quoted. Should be an @mention or a discord ID.
string. Optional. The quote text to find.


  • .quote grab @JaneDoe#0921 - Quote the most recent message from JaneDoe.
  • .quote grab @JaneDoe#0921 mosh pit - Finds the most recent message from @JaneDoe containing “mosh pit”.

1.5. quote stats

Get quote statistics.

Usage: .quote stats

1.6. quote rem

Remove one of your own quotes.

Usage: .quote rem <number>


number. The ID number of the quote to delete (starting from 1), as shown by the quote, quote get and quote list commands.


  • .quote del 4 - Delete the 4th quote attributed to you.

1.7. quote undo

Remove the last quote you added.

Usage: .quote undo

1.8. quote del

Delete one or all quotes attributed to a user. This is a moderative command; regular users should use quote undo or quote rem.

Usage: .quote del <user> <number>


@user. The user whose quote to delete. Can be an @mention or discord ID.
number or “all”. The ID number of the quote to delete (starting from 1), or “all”.


Moderators, Administrators.


  • .quote rem @JaneDoe#0921 4 - Delete the 4th quote by JaneDoe.
  • .quote rem @JaneDoe#0921 all - Remove all quotes by JaneDoe.