Collect and analyse activity statistics.

Collects and analyses activity statistics.

No messages or personally identifiable information are stored by this module, only event counts such as number of messages in each channel on an hour-by-hour basis.


This module counts various events like messages, voice time, server join/parts, etc. This information is aggregated by anonymous user hash (see below), channel, and hour, in order to allow obtaining statistics like number of unique users per channel, most active hours of the day, etc.

Unique users are recorded on a month-by-month basis, using a cryptographic hash algorithm and a salt in order to ensure this data cannot be traced backwards to a specific user during the collection period.

At the end of each month, all user hashes are replaced with random tokens generated from a cryptographically strong pseudorandom algorithm, ensuring that no connection to the original user (even cryptographically obfuscated) can be made. Furthermore, the salt is regenerated for the next month’s data collection, ensuring that a user cannot be tracked month-to-month even if data is accessed prior to the end of the month. The salt is never made available to moderators or users, and automatically destroyed once it is no longer needed.

File format


Raw user data is provided as a file attachment in a gzip-compressed Excel-compatible CSV format, containing the following columns:

# Column name Type Description
1 Period datetime (ISO8601) The hour during which these events were recorded, in the UTC timezone.
2 Event str Event name. One of: msg, join, part, voice, total_users.
3 User hash hex A string representing a unique user. Rows with the same user hash, recorded in the same month, indicate the same user.
4 Channel ’#’ + str The name of the channel in which the event was recorded.
5 Count int The number of times (or, for voice events, number of seconds) an event was recorded.


Full reports are provided as a a Discord embed, as shown below. The data contained is the same as the CSV columns, as shown in the table below.

Full report example
Full report.

Weekday and hourly reports are provided as a file attachment in a gzip-compressed Excel-compatible CSV format, containing the columns described in the following table.

# Column name Type Description
1 Case str For weekday reports, Monday through Sunday. For hourly reports, the hour of the day (in UTC).
2 Total users int Total number of users on the server at the end of the report period.
3 Active users int Number of unique users who sent any messages during the report period.
4 Voice users int Number of unique users who spent at least 1 second in voice chat.
5 Joins int Number of users who joined the server. This includes users who part and re-join in the report period.
6 Parts int Number of users who left the server.
7 Messages int Total number of text messages sent.
8 Messages/user float Number of messages sent per active user.
9 (stdev) float Standard deviation for column 8.
10 Voice man-hours float (hours) Total collective time, in man-hours, spent in voice channels.
11 Voice hours/user float (hours) Time spent, in hours, per user in voice channels.
12 (stdev) float (hours) Standard deviation for column 11.


Retrieve a CSV dump of stats for a date or range of dates.

If a range of dates is specified, the data retrieved is up to and excluding the second date. A day starts at midnight UTC.

Note that if the range crosses month boundaries (e.g. March to April), then the unique user hashes can be correlated between each other only within a given month. The same user will have different hashes in different months. This is used as an anonymisation method, to avoid long-term tracking of a unique user.

This will generate and upload a CSV file, and could take some time. Please avoid calling this function multiple times for the same data or requesting giant ranges.

The file is compressed using gzip. Windows users should use a modern archiving programme like 7zip; macOS users can open these files natively. Linux users know the drill.

Usage: .userstats [daterange]


  • [daterange]. Optional. This can be a single date (period of 24 hours), or a range of dates in the form date1 to date2. Each date can be specified as ISO format (2018-01-12), in English with or without abbreviations (12 Jan 2018), or as relative dates (5 days ago). Default is last month.

Channels: Mod channels only

Usable By: Mods only


  • .userstats 2018-01-12
  • .userstats yesterday
  • .userstats 2018-01-12 to 2018-01-14
  • .userstats 3 days ago to yesterday
  • .userstats 2018-01-01 to 7 days ago


Generate and show a statistics report for a date or range of dates.

If a range of dates is specified, the data retrieved is up to and excluding the second date. A day starts at midnight UTC.

The date range cannot cross the boundary of one month (because unique users are not tracked from month to month for anonymisation reasons; it’s only possible to identify unique users within the same month).

This will read and process the raw data to generate stats, and could take some time. Please avoid calling this function multiple times for the same data or requesting giant ranges.

The file is compressed using gzip. Windows users should use a modern archiving programme like 7zip; macOS users can open these files natively. Linux users know the drill.

Usage: .report <type> <channel|all> [daterange]


  • <type>: One of full, weekday or hourly. weekday and hourly take the raw data and provide a breakdown by day of the week or hour of the day, respectively.
  • <channel>: The name of a channel on the server, or all.
  • [daterange]. Optional. This can be a single date (period of 24 hours), or a range of dates in the form date1 to date2. Each date can be specified as ISO format (2018-01-12), in English with or without abbreviations (12 Jan 2018), or as relative dates (5 days ago). Default is last month.

Channels: Mod channels only

Usable By: Mods only


  • .report full all 2018-01-12
  • .report full all yesterday
  • .report full #general 2018-01-12 to 2018-01-14
  • .report weekday all 3 days ago to yesterday
  • .report hourly #worldbuilding 2018-01-01 to 7 days ago