The WordFilter cog watches for configurable words or expressions in user messages, and either warns moderators or auto-deletes the message when it detects a watched word.

The WordFilter cog is intended to be used as a moderating tool to watch the server for the use of certain words, expressions or other strings. The bot has two separate lists of filter strings:

  • delete list: Any messages that match will be auto-deleted, and moderators are notified.
  • warn list: Moderators are notified of the matching message, but no further action is taken.

Moderator notifications are output to either #mods or #bot-output. The output can be changed between these two channels with the .filter switch command.

1. Filter string syntax

The special character % will match a word boundary (any non-letter character - this means punctuation is considered, so don’t worry about that!). Consequently, each word/expression in the list can be matched in four different ways:

  • foo : Matches any sub-string foo, even if inside a word; for example, the words foobar, zoboomafoo, and afoot inside a message will all be caught.
  • %foo : Matches any word that starts with foo. For example, fooing will match, but zoboomafoo will not match.
  • foo% : Matches any word that ends with foo. For example, zoboomafoo will match, but foobar will not.
  • %foo% : Matches whole words only.

You can also refer to the table below to see examples of which method will catch which sub-strings.

  foo %foo foo% %foo%

2. filter

For all sub-commands except .filter switch, you usually need to specify the filter type, either del (the auto-delete filter list) or warn (the warn-only filter list). You can also use the shorthand w or d.

2.1 list (shorthand: l)

Lists the current filters.

If filter_type is not given, lists all filters; otherwise, lists the specified filter.


  • .filter list [filter_type]
  • .filter l [filter_type]


  • filter_type: Optional. One of [warn, del, w, d]

Users: Moderators only

Channels: Mod and bot channels only


  • .filter list - Shows both auto-warn and auto-delete lists.
  • .filter list warn - Shows warn filter list.
  • .filter list del - Shows auto-delete filter list.
  • .filter l w - Shows warn filter list (shorthand).

2.2 add (shorthand: a)

Add a new filter word/expression.


  • .filter add [filter_type] [word]
  • .filter a [filter_type] [word]


  • filter_type: One of warn, del, w, d
  • word: The word or expression to filter. If it has spaces, use quotation marks. Use % at the beginning/end of the word to match word boundaries (otherwise substring matching is used).

Users: Moderators only

Channels: Mod and bot channels only


  • .filter add warn %word% - Adds “word” (as an exact word match) to the auto-warning list.
  • .filter add del "%pink flamingo%" - Add “pink flamingo” (exact expression) to the auto-delete list.
  • .filter a w %talk - Shorthand. Add “%talk” to the warning list - this will match any words that start with “talk”.

3.3 rem (shorthand: r)

Remove a filter word/expression by word.


  • .filter rem [filter_type] [word]
  • .filter r [filter_type] [word]
  • .filter remove [filter_type] [word]


  • filter_type: One of warn, del, w, d
  • word: The word or expression to remove from the filter list. If it has spaces, use quotation marks.

Users: Moderators only

Channels: Mod and bot channels only


  • .filter rem warn %word% - Remove “%word%” from the auto-warning list.
  • .filter rem del "%pink flamingo%" - Remove “%pink flamingo%” from the auto-delete list.

3.4 rnum

Remove a filter word/expression by list index.


  • .filter rid [filter_type] [index]


  • filter_type: One of warn, del, w, d
  • index: The index number of the filter to remove. You can get this index number using the list command.

Users: Moderators only

Channels: Mod and bot channels only


  • .filter rem del 5 - Removes the 5th rule in the auto-delete filter.
  • .filter r w 3 - Shorthand. Removes the 3rd rule in the warning-only filter.

3.5 switch (shorthand: s)

Change the bot output channel for wordfilter warnings.

Switches between the configured filter warning channel and the general bot output channel (#mods and #bot-output at time of writing).


  • .filter switch
  • .filter s

Arguments: None

Users: Moderators only

Channels: Mod and bot channels only