

mean std min max
total (users) NaN NaN 4936.0 5665.0
active daily (users) 130.14 14.70 105.0 193.0
active total (users) NaN NaN NaN NaN
Δusers (with purges, users/day) 5.47 32.11 -202.0 96.0
Δusers (natural only, users/day) 10.44 12.93 -10.0 96.0

January 2019

mean std min max
total (users) NaN NaN 4936.0 5178.0
active daily (users) 132.65 7.99 110.0 154.0
active total (users) 792.00 NaN NaN NaN
Δusers (with purges, users/day) 1.19 38.06 -202.0 18.0
Δusers (natural only, users/day) 9.00 7.71 -3.0 40.0

February 2019

mean std min max
total (users) NaN NaN 5045.0 5255.0
active daily (users) 126.64 9.49 109.0 142.0
active total (users) 714.00 NaN NaN NaN
Δusers (with purges, users/day) 3.29 28.28 -139.0 19.0
Δusers (natural only, users/day) 8.39 4.77 0.0 19.0

March 2019

mean std min max
total (users) NaN NaN 5138.0 5330.0
active daily (users) 120.77 8.90 105.0 144.0
active total (users) 699.00 NaN NaN NaN
Δusers (with purges, users/day) 6.19 4.49 -2.0 18.0
Δusers (natural only, users/day) 6.19 4.49 -2.0 18.0

April 2019

mean std min max
total (users) NaN NaN 5330.0 5665.0
active daily (users) 140.50 20.78 109.0 193.0
active total (users) 893.00 NaN NaN NaN
Δusers (with purges, users/day) 11.17 43.68 -188.0 96.0
Δusers (natural only, users/day) 18.23 22.23 -10.0 96.0


2019-01-14 22:00 -242.0
2019-02-25 18:00 -143.0
2019-04-20 04:00 -212.0

Server Activity

Text (messages) 495859.0
Voice (user-hours) 294.9
mean std min max
Daily messages 4132.16 1060.80 1749.00 6947.00
Daily messages/user 31.67 6.49 15.76 50.20
Daily users 129.68 14.73 105.00 193.00
Daily voice hours/user 0.75 2.70 0.00 24.01
Voice hours/day 2.02 2.94 0.00 17.00

January 2019

Text (messages) 132196.00
Text users 783.00
Voice (user-hours) 100.84
Voice users 54.00
mean std min max
Daily messages 4264.39 1016.35 2362.00 6014.00
Daily messages/user 32.18 6.85 19.52 45.56
Daily users 132.00 7.93 110.00 153.00
Daily voice hours/user 0.77 1.74 0.00 8.00
Voice hours/day 2.55 3.20 0.00 16.00

February 2019

Text (messages) 120074.00
Text users 706.00
Voice (user-hours) 6.89
Voice users 28.00
mean std min max
Daily messages 4288.36 843.99 2856.00 6275.0
Daily messages/user 33.92 5.89 25.27 50.2
Daily users 126.21 9.35 109.00 142.0
Daily voice hours/user 0.10 0.19 0.00 0.8
Voice hours/day 1.29 1.24 0.00 4.0

March 2019

Text (messages) 101219.0
Text users 694.0
Voice (user-hours) 147.6
Voice users 40.0
mean std min max
Daily messages 3265.13 716.97 1749.00 4970.00
Daily messages/user 27.18 5.98 15.76 42.48
Daily users 120.26 8.94 105.00 144.00
Daily voice hours/user 1.78 4.90 0.00 24.01
Voice hours/day 2.26 3.40 0.00 15.00

April 2019

Text (messages) 142370.00
Text users 890.00
Voice (user-hours) 39.56
Voice users 34.00
mean std min max
Daily messages 4745.67 1057.76 2852.00 6947.00
Daily messages/user 33.68 4.90 25.25 43.88
Daily users 140.27 20.82 109.00 193.00
Daily voice hours/user 0.27 0.47 0.00 1.65
Voice hours/day 1.93 3.25 0.00 17.00

User text activity

messages/user active users
mean min 25% 50% 75% max total top 80%
January 2019 168.83 1.0 3.0 15.0 81.00 6454.0 783.0 90.0
February 2019 170.08 1.0 3.0 14.0 82.75 6600.0 706.0 76.0
March 2019 145.85 1.0 3.0 15.0 69.75 7261.0 694.0 80.0
April 2019 159.97 1.0 3.0 14.0 75.75 7207.0 890.0 100.0

Channel activity

Interpretation notes:

  • Total messages: Fairly obvious. Keep in mind that this doesn't consider length or depth of messages, only number.
  • Messages/user
    • Plot shows average (arithmetic mean) only.
    • We can get an idea of the spread by looking at the min, 25%, median, 75% and max values. In between each one (e.g. between min and 25%) is 1/4 of the total active users.
  • Active users
    • 'Total' counts the number of users who said at least one message in the channel.
    • Top 80% gives the number of users who make up 80% of the activity. The closer this is to 80% of the total, the more evenly different users contribute. The smaller this number is compared to the total, the more the channel is dominated by a specific group with few occasional users dropping in and out.

January 2019

messages messages/user users
total mean min 25% median 75% max total top 80% top 80%/total
#worldbuilding 52763 102.85 1 2.00 8.0 55.00 2636 513 63 12.28
#off-topic 32978 154.10 1 3.25 15.5 98.25 3755 214 29 13.55
#brainstorming 10106 39.48 1 3.00 11.5 41.00 489 256 66 25.78
#art 8751 43.54 1 3.00 7.0 24.00 727 201 31 15.42
#fantasy 7737 42.98 1 4.00 14.0 36.00 899 180 43 23.89
#sci-fi 7005 50.76 1 4.00 14.5 50.25 738 138 32 23.19
#science 4037 40.78 1 3.00 10.0 45.50 367 99 22 22.22
#geography 3503 24.33 1 2.00 6.0 18.25 410 144 30 20.83
#writing 1395 16.03 1 2.00 5.0 15.00 212 87 22 25.29
#modern 1390 16.55 1 2.00 5.0 17.50 146 84 23 27.38
#conlangs 1092 19.50 1 2.00 8.0 15.25 229 56 15 26.79
#tabletop 837 22.62 1 2.00 5.0 15.00 232 37 7 18.92
#meta 485 6.22 1 1.00 3.0 6.00 40 78 29 37.18
#resources 49 2.23 1 1.00 1.0 2.00 18 22 12 54.55

February 2019

messages messages/user users
total mean min 25% median 75% max total top 80% top 80%/total
#worldbuilding 48157 112.52 1 2.0 10.0 69.50 2605 428 55 12.85
#off-topic 27624 132.81 1 2.0 13.0 69.00 2452 208 26 12.50
#brainstorming 8998 43.47 1 3.5 14.0 39.00 743 207 51 24.64
#fantasy 8039 49.93 1 2.0 11.0 47.00 927 161 35 21.74
#sci-fi 7245 51.75 1 4.0 13.0 47.25 727 140 29 20.71
#geography 4976 35.54 1 3.0 9.5 32.25 804 140 29 20.71
#art 4765 24.19 1 2.0 6.0 19.00 501 197 41 20.81
#world-spotlight 3616 45.20 1 1.0 4.0 27.75 978 80 10 12.50
#science 2386 32.24 1 3.0 10.0 28.75 354 74 18 24.32
#modern 1744 26.83 1 2.0 6.0 19.00 245 65 13 20.00
#meta 1408 17.82 1 1.0 4.0 13.50 252 79 14 17.72
#writing 440 7.59 1 2.0 4.0 8.75 48 58 22 37.93
#conlangs 351 7.02 1 2.0 4.5 7.75 37 50 21 42.00
#tabletop 296 12.87 1 3.0 4.0 16.00 88 23 8 34.78
#resources 27 2.08 1 1.0 2.0 3.00 4 13 7 53.85

March 2019

messages messages/user users
total mean min 25% median 75% max total top 80% top 80%/total
#worldbuilding 42883 102.35 1 2.00 10.0 58.50 2080 419 55 13.13
#off-topic 27525 142.62 1 4.00 16.0 89.00 3943 193 27 13.99
#brainstorming 5572 26.41 1 3.00 10.0 28.50 386 211 62 29.38
#fantasy 4498 30.60 1 3.00 9.0 31.00 711 147 37 25.17
#sci-fi 4295 33.82 1 2.00 6.0 19.00 665 127 18 14.17
#geography 3821 28.30 1 3.00 8.0 27.50 621 135 31 22.96
#art 3623 19.69 1 2.00 6.0 21.25 197 184 50 27.17
#science 3124 39.54 1 3.50 12.0 47.50 352 79 19 24.05
#world-spotlight 1731 27.05 1 1.00 4.0 27.50 303 64 13 20.31
#tabletop 1161 21.11 1 1.50 8.0 20.50 173 55 14 25.45
#modern 998 20.79 1 2.75 8.5 23.00 133 48 14 29.17
#conlangs 685 10.38 1 2.00 4.5 11.75 71 66 24 36.36
#writing 601 8.59 1 2.00 3.5 9.75 60 70 23 32.86
#meta 470 7.83 1 2.00 3.0 8.00 49 60 19 31.67
#resources 37 1.61 1 1.00 1.0 2.00 3 23 15 65.22

April 2019

messages messages/user users
total mean min 25% median 75% max total top 80% top 80%/total
#worldbuilding 54231 93.34 1 2.00 8.0 48.00 2868 581 73 12.56
#off-topic 38195 159.81 1 2.00 11.0 78.50 3799 239 24 10.04
#fantasy 10170 51.36 1 4.00 13.5 46.75 1528 198 44 22.22
#sci-fi 8122 56.80 1 3.00 12.0 34.00 799 143 22 15.38
#brainstorming 7189 37.64 1 4.00 12.0 44.00 657 191 51 26.70
#art 5121 24.98 1 2.00 5.0 22.00 483 205 42 20.49
#geography 4502 28.14 1 3.00 8.0 23.25 830 160 37 23.12
#science 2872 32.64 1 3.00 10.5 35.00 265 88 24 27.27
#detailbuilding 2500 27.78 1 3.25 13.5 32.00 323 90 29 32.22
#meta 1790 15.43 1 2.00 4.0 12.00 167 116 24 20.69
#tabletop 1705 25.83 1 2.00 6.0 26.50 189 66 15 22.73
#alt-history 1245 31.92 1 3.00 10.0 40.00 169 39 10 25.64
#modern 1124 18.13 1 2.00 4.0 16.00 279 62 14 22.58
#humanities 914 17.58 1 3.00 7.0 25.25 128 52 16 30.77
#writing 734 11.29 1 2.00 5.0 9.00 121 65 21 32.31
#world-spotlight 531 10.41 1 2.00 3.0 5.50 118 51 11 21.57
#conlangs 517 7.83 1 1.00 4.0 10.00 42 66 23 34.85
#writing-and-music 358 8.14 1 1.00 4.5 12.00 42 44 16 36.36
#community-programs 211 9.59 1 1.00 3.5 5.00 97 22 4 18.18
#resources 113 2.83 1 1.00 2.0 2.25 23 40 20 50.00

Average hourly activity


January 2019

February 2019

March 2019

April 2019

Average activity by day-of-week


January 2019

February 2019

March 2019

April 2019